Thursday, March 3, 2011

Surenos En Nasville Tn

No, not go ..

C'mon, why are you leaving? No, stay. "

This is it, what seemed like a beginning of spring decided to go back to bed. Tse when you can not trust the seasons. Ben's right. This morning when I woke up I thought I saw the neighbor's dog petrified by the cold. I immediately said, "Well no, come on. This is not true? Hémoroïdes That's who he is as mobile as Paris Hilton wax?". No! We know it was cold.

I know that winter is not officially over, but cuddly mother nature, to stop playing scared in the worst PMS gives us either winter or spring. A true daughter this, I give you a bit worse .. ah spring! of the shit, V'la winter.

In any case, we are still in March. And who said in March said, in a few days ahead of time we said, in two weeks is the "spring" and said, in three weeks is my birthday. I am tripping!. A big 22 years. Already. It goes by so fast! (In a nod to Emily) Messemble that I can still see any minuses with the only way to find myself in a crowd, a mustache of grape juice on the mouth.

As the years advance, the more I said that I am becoming more and more stupid. But it is anyway and I like it. Not stupid in the end; "I feel like putting a finger into a shredder" (a nod to Janil'ee) but more in the direction; "Ha ha! You're so niaseux, but funny teasing. " More in this sense.

older I get, the more I assume myself as a person, as a humorist. As my point. Plus I assume myself, the more I'm stupid. It's a vicious circle. But a good cycle. Anyway. You understand?

short, I love life, spring, children with mustaches grape juice worse vicious circles. As soon you
