Y'as a problem.?
Explain me,
Why the earth is populated by people not too holy of mind? I look bitch when I say that, but lord. That's true. Basically, I am perhaps part.
Today, Tuesday, coming out of my my way, my weekly day of Yoga as expected, I walked slowly (but surely.) To my house. While relaxing and trying to wake me up (because god knows Yoga, it relaxes you "?&@), I crossed the street with my back pack and a guy y'as. (At least I think. . I hope.) who stop me to tell me; Aillle you going to school souaire toƩ?. (The slang was required.)
First, No, your Yeul. (Yes, ta was Yeul necessary, but I am told in my head, I remain still sissy.) I come back from the gym.
He answered by approximation too close to me; Pis ta ce Mohawk cut it? Yes, he retorted, beginning to have the dog.
I spat in his face one; Ayyyyoye men, you're cutting Pitawa, cutting makes freaker Canada. Your machine, your clothes ... (while continuing its "path" .. surely not that of Compostela.)
First 2; have known that Loco-Locasse be in town I would at least try to have the looks a little concerned about what you told me And second, "Your clothes, your clothes .." ty who come to me say that? A guy who, obviously a problem because the 2 buccal teeth you have left in the mouth was too dark to go and taste them with a smile and cut "Krosty the Clown makes a beginning of Baldness "worse than thee thy lawless red panties, you probably deserve more than me, a contravention of style. Fack "Your clothes, your clothes." You the Met in "Pitawa."
I know, I hear you say, Danny, the guy there did not you disgusted on your machine, y'as just a vocabulary limited to "your machine" and "Thank God you're here ..". But I am still allowed to evacuate my misunderstanding.
Y'as people "special" on earth and I am surment party.
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