"Between the Lines" Mounir Fatmi ... An invitation to read between the lines, capture, interrogate Between the two, beyond dualities, binary principles ...
The cultural interpenetration feed the work of Mounir Fatmi. It continues to mix, to compare, mix, dialogue between cultures, his first, the Maghreb, by extension, the Muslim world and the Western world .... Mounir Fatmi: everywhere and nowhere ...
"And yet it moves! Revolution # 1" @ gallery courtesy
relations between cultures, often cause friction, antagonisms, misunderstandings are usually sealed under the seal of the conflict. Mounir Fatmi and could just play these antagonisms, just the face, pointing a finger, but his work is beyond dualism as binary west / east, north / south ...
This work proposes a real hybrid in which each culture blending, interpenetrating. Work which, to borrow the main idea of Edouard Glissant, where the mixing would take programmatic value, where you can talk ryzhome identity, an identity-relation who comes here to oppose identity root. The in-between Mounir Fatmi not the result of an attitude of withdrawal but introduces a polysemy where each piece is made responsible for a multiplicity of meaning. "Falls" cash reversed, which are spread on the ground metal letters of the Arabic alphabet, we should at the assembly, the reconstruction is constantly updated. This piece is emblematic of the approach of Mounir Fatmi. Invitation to rewrite Mounir Fatmi which provides us the tools.
"The Falls"
courtesy @ Gallery Hussenot
projections Mounir Fatmi as " Technologia " or " Modern Times History of the machine have a lot to do with" Rotoreliefs "or" The chocolate grinder "Marcel Duchamp,
They also refer to Sufism, the whirling dervishes, whose body dances, connecting earth and sky, become intercessors between the divine and the profane, the cantillations heady verses from the Koran, the mills Tibetan prayer to the haunting "Dream Machine " by Brion Gysin.
"Dream Machine"
These two works and to a lesser degree "Mixology " we seek our involvement in retinal mesmerizing experience as with the "Dream Machine . Impossibility of fixing the eye, with the focal point as the line of sight based perspective. Entering
impossible synchronic and diachronic, which refers to instability, lack of reference, the whirl of images, information, we constantly seek. Recall also our multiplicity.
" Modern Times A History of the Machine "... The Chaplin film in which it narrowly escaped the great mechanical shredders ... Of times gone? That of modernism and the avant-garde now classified as historic and outdated notions which Mounir Fatmi take note?
Cogs who gradually escape the hand worker. These workings, these mechanical symbols and incarnations of capitalist rationality leading to Fordism ... Time of industrial modernism that fades to give way at a less palpable ...
Cogs becoming virtual now until the evacuation of idea of the proletariat, of class struggle in our societies, machinery and mechanical but who find themselves relocated, Asia, North Africa ... "Modern Times, History of the machine, machinery, virtual engine that idles for himself, which produces nothing.
Although he denies it, try hard not to read here, including an art critic on a political dimension to an uncontrolled runaway of a new form of capitalism ... which post-modernism would emanate?
" Kissing Circle # 3"
@ gallery courtesy Hussenot
The use of coaxial antenna cable, VHS tapes, materials of choice among Mounir Fatmi to form his paintings and installations, reinforcing the idea of permanent flux, continuous irrigating our contemporary, our relationships with other.
The recurrence of formal vocabulary, makes a circle of rosettes, calligraphy, recurrence of material just dig the idea of repetition, movement, passage. Critical stance Mounir Fatmi also noting the loss of reference of the human lost in this maze of communication he has lost control. This facility
entitled "Licht Merhi! "makes photocopiers which are placed on the neon flash which attempts to capture the neon light of these plays on the repetition, copying, on the idea of reproducibility. But also plays light against light, grab a light from another light, thereby causing an aporia. Mounir Fatmi looks and plays the disturbance.
As in "mixology", the disc pack on the mixing deck are covered with Arabic calligraphy and are constantly rotated from left to right and from right to left, impairing the meaning of the reading of these characters ... visual disturbance and reflection on travel, friction, cultural interactions ... Query on music, culture industry by global excellence and its relation to Islam. Again, Mounir Fatmi has slipped in-between, just play the polysemy.
Mounir Fatmi lives in a world in motion, unstable due to displacement, slip, friction, a world which is not easy reading, his work shows.
Mounir Fatmi
"Between the Lines"
January 8 to 24 February
gallery Hussenot
5a Street Haudriettes
75003 Paris
Phone: 01 48 87 60 81
Fax: 01 48 87 05 01
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